EMA Expo

Thank you for attending EMA Expo 2024!

Together we are building a better-connected electromagnetic community by sharing the latest in simulation technologies and strategies while establishing new relationships.

We want to share our gratitude to Ansys CTO Dr. Prith Banerjee who served as EMA Expo keynote speaker.  We appreciate all of our featured presenters for taking time out of their busy schedule to share their work and give insight into the industry.

Thank you to our sponsors, without you, events like this would not be possible.

EMA Expo 2025

Planning for EMA Expo 2025 is now in progress. We will update this page with new information when it becomes available. Follow us on LinkedIn or sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of this page.

You can start thinking about presenting while we sort out our plans. We welcome presentations from various fields, such as aerospace, automotive, defense, electronics, and heavy industry. We will also consider presentations from related fields.

You can choose from the following presentation topcs:

Research on what is being done to advance EMI/EMC in product design and how a combination of simulation and testing is leading to more compatible products.

HIRF and Lightning:
Presentations focusing on the technology for designing, testing, and simulating aircraft and spacecraft for lightning, HIRF, and other related EM environmental effects.

RF Interference:
Research of novel state-of-the-art ways to model radio frequency systems and their compatibility on complex platforms.

Space Environmental Effects:
Presentations focusing on designing for radiation environments as well as testing and simulating these environments.

We will provide more details about presentation guidelines and deadlines after we finalize plans. To see the program of EMA Expo 2024, click here.

If you have any questions, you can reach out to the EMA Expo team by emailing ema.expo@ema3d.com.

We can’t wait to see you in 2025!
