Exhibitor/ Sponsor Terms and Conditions

Booth assignment:
Management reserves the right to make final booth assignments. Sponsors who have signed a package contract will have access to priority booths. We will fill other booths on a first-come, first-served basis.
Applications for sponsorships and exhibit space must be accompanied by full payment. The deadline for payments is Feb. 28, 2025. If you do not make full payment by the deadline, you will forfeit your exhibit/sponsorship opportunity.
Administrative Fees:
Any payment cancelled by the financial institution is subject to a fee.
Exhibitor/ Sponsorship Cancellation:
Sponsors acknowledge that canceling their sponsorship opportunity will result in harm to EMA. The following conditions shall apply:
- Should you need to cancel your exhibitor/ sponsorship opportunity more than two months before the event, a refund of 20% will be issued.
- Refunds will not be granted for any exhibitor/ sponsorship opportunity cancelled within two months of the event.
- Management reserves the right to cancel your exhibitor/ sponsorship opportunity if full payment is not received by the deadline.
- All cancellations must be made in writing and will take effect upon date of receipt. Cancellations must be addressed to EMA c/o Emily Cole, 143 Union Blvd Ste 900, Lakewood, CO 80228.
Loss or Damage:
Exhibitors/ sponsors agree that they will be liable for and will not hold EMA responsible for any loss or damages occurring to or suffered by any person or company items. Neither the facility owners nor EMA will be responsible for loss or damage to exhibits or decorations by accident, theft, or any other cause while in Expo buildings or during transport between events. Exhibitors/ sponsors are encouraged to purchase individual insurance if they believe there will be a high risk associated with loss or damage. Exhibitors/ sponsors acknowledge that EMA will do its best to avoid theft and harm to all property and people within reason, however all responsibility for loss and damage will be the liability of exhibitors and sponsors.
Use of Exhibit Space:
Exhibitors/ sponsors shall reflect their company’s highest standard of professionalism while present at all EMA Expo 2025 events including dinner at the Roosevelt Room at Union Station. At least one company representative must be present at the assigned exhibit booth during Expo hours for the entirety of the event. All demonstrations and exhibits must be contained in the contracted space. To allow space for all booth participants, a maximum width of six feet (6’) and height of eight feet (8′) will be enforced. Takedowns may not occur until the announced Expo closing.
Use of Data:
I understand that my email will be shared with vendors and suppliers for communications related to the Expo. I understand that EMA will not share my private information with Expo attendees, exhibitors and sponsors, or other individuals outside of EMA.
Risk of Covid-19:
Attendees understand that by attending the event there is a risk of being exposed to COVID-19, EMA will follow current federal and state guidelines.
If you have questions for issues, contact us at ema.expo@ema3d.com or (720) 974-1215.