Antenna Placement Made Easy
Antenna Placement Made Easy.
The Effectiveness of the Analytical Approach.
Giancarlo Guida, Senior Scientist EMA
University of Naples Federico II, DIETI – 28 May 2019
Aula Seminari CSIF, Napoli, via Claudio 21; 12:00
Giancarlo Guida graduated in Electronic Engineering from the University of Naples Federico II, discussing a thesis on the chaotic regime of a transmission line closed on non-linear devices. Since 1995, he worked on electromagnetic numerical modeling supporting the main aerospace companies in the design of antennas and arrays and in the antenna placement on a complex platform.
Giancarlo Guida is the author of several scientific articles and has held lectures and seminars on electromagnetic compatibility and numerical simulation at Italian and European universities. Since 2018, Giancarlo Guida has worked for Electro Magnetic Applications Inc. as a Senior Scientist. EMA is a company that has been on the market for more than 40 years and is the world leader in E3 in the aerospace sector and in HIRF certification and lightning for civil and military aircraft.
The integration of an increasing number of antennas and sensors on platform such as vehicles, aircraft, satellites offers the possibility of implementing new features and services but, at the same time, requires the ability to integrate the devices in an increasingly aggressive electromagnetic environment. The Seminar intends to illustrate the problems related to the placement of multiple antennas on a platform and to discuss the methodologies to analyze and solve them.
The need to reduce the economic and technological impact of experimental testing activities and the availability of increasingly powerful calculation tools and increasingly simpler and faster calculation codes, has made numerical modeling an essential tool for the design of the placement of antennas. However, the ability of validating the results of numerical simulation based on theoretical considerations and simplified models remains a fundamental task of the engineer. In this perspective, the use of an analytical approach allows us to validate the result of numerical simulations a priori and allows us to optimize their effectiveness.
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