EMC Plus and Charge Plus Quick Start Page

This page contains quick start information for EMC Plus and Charge Plus. These products are available exclusively from Ansys, Inc. We have a PDF guide to download at this link.

The products have major releases every six months. The major release installation download of the products is available from the Ansys Customer Portal. Both Ansys EMC Plus and Ansys Charge Plus install from the same executable. They are also available to download below on this page.

2024 R2 Windows Installer

The 2024 R2 Installer is below.

Download 2024 R2: EMC_Plus_and_Charge_Plus_2024R2.zip

EMC Plus and Charge Plus (FDTD) Linux Installer

There is a solver-only (no graphical interface) version of EMC Plus’s and Charge Plus’s FDTD solver available in the download link above, both for GPU and CPU machines. The CPU version is also available for download here: EMC_Plus_Charge_Plus_2024R1_Linux_CPU.tar.gz

The Linux Installation Guide is here: LinuxInstallationGuideEMCPlus.pdf

EMC Plus and Charge Plus (FDTD) GPU Installer

EMA is proud to announce availability of the GPU solver. It is currently available on Linux. The latest Linux GPU Installer is available here: Linux_Ansys_EMC_Plus_Charge_Plus_2024R1.1

The Linux GPU Installation Guide is here: EMC_Plus_Charge_Plus_GPU_Version_Linux_Installation_Guide.pdf

Check which version of EMC Plus or Charge Plus is installed

Check which version you have installed by navigating to the main Discovery settings menu, navigating to Add-Ins, and looking under “Description”

How to Access Support for EMC Plus and Charge Plus

Check with the Ansys Support Coordinator (ASC) at your company to identify who provides support for your location. Most likely it will be provided by Ansys directly. Regional contact options are listed here.

If supported via Ansys directly, submit a support request via the Ansys Customer Portal: support.ansys.com. If supported by an Ansys Channel Partner contact your channel partner directly.

Useful Tips: When inquiring about support, have your Ansys customer number ready in advance (learn how to retrieve your customer number here). Many useful training and instruction resources are available via the Knowledge Resource Search, found on the home page of the Ansys Customer Portal or via the Ansys Resource Center.


Tutorials are available by clicking on the (?) menu in the “Other” section of the ribbon, next to “Settings”. Additional tutorials that have been recently developed and are not yet in the help tutorials are available for download below.

Additional unpublished demos are available at this link.
